Edwin helps people develop good security habits.
Most security breaches are caused by human behavior and the average breach costs $3.9M.
Most people don’t even know what good habits are, and having them be second nature rarely happens at even the most secure company.
Edwin helps people develop good security habits by transforming them into simple, interactive missions. These missions use proven learning and behavior design techniques to create habits that will keep individuals and their organizations secure. And, in turn, individuals can use the skills they learn to keep their family and home secure.
Book a DemoLearn More“Behavior design and learning experience underpins every single Edwin mission. Each mission is a powerful stand-alone tool, but collectively they have incredible impact.”
Human Behavior
Edwin reduces risks.
Most organizations don’t understand their security risks. Breaches, vulnerabilities, and hacks are growing exponentially. Current tools and awareness training are not succeeding in addressing the most important element: human behavior.
Data leaks
Possibly the most destructive risk in a business is the exposing or theft of its clients’ or customers’ personal information. Yet this risk plays out daily in the news.
Ransomware and malware
Ransomware and malware are so widespread that infections are hard to predict and detect, even by governments. Prevention is the most effective cure.
Rogue employee
Top employees, managers, and executives can damage a company’s reputation and disrupt it’s business if they leave under poor circumstances.
Unauthorized access
Most employees and even third parties have access to sensitive data they don’t need, creating tremendous risk.
Targeted attacks
Targeted attacks are getting easier and more common, whether compromising your wifi network, your two factor authentication, or your crypto assets.
Vendor risk
Most risk is outside your organization, in the vendors, freelancers and contractors that you work with. Existing security tools don’t address their risks.